Orco Reactive I-Series™ reactive dyes have monochlorotriazine linking groups and are generally dyed at 175°F(80° C). These offer excellent leveling properties as well as high-exhaustion characteristics making them suitable for medium and deep shades. This class is recommended for cellulose and polyester/cotton blends in exhaust dyeing.

Select the button below for a downloadable shade card which illustrates shades and a listing of physical properties. The color shown on these shade cards and web pages is only indicative and does not represent the EXACT shade of the product.

Orco Reactive I™ Shade Card

Click on shade for further information

ImageNameSolubility DyeLightfastness(@ 2% owf)Details
Black I-GA40 g/l4-5
Turquoise I-A80g/l4-5
Blue I-RD50 g/l5
Navy I-R60 g/l4-5
Blue I-GN 125%40 g/l5
Brown I-RA25 g/l4
Brown I-4RD40 g/l4
Green I-4BD80g/l5
Orange I-2G100 g/l4
Orange I-R60 g/l4
Scarlet I-GB100 g/l4
Red I-XL100 g/l4-5
Red I-3B100 g/l4-5
Red I-7B100 g/l4-5
Red I-GA60 g/l3-4
Scarlet I-A60 g/l3-4
Yellow I-4R75 g/l4-5
Yellow I-6G50 g/l3-4
Brilliant Yellow I-4G200g/L5