The Orco Lanamide™ product line consists of non-hazardous, non-chrome acid dyes applicable typically to nylon and blends offering high fastness, brightness, and compatibility as a group. Orco Lanamide™ dyes are especially suited for the sport and swimwear garments.  (Fastness properties on nylon)

Select the button below for a downloadable shade card which illustrates shades and a listing of physical properties.The color shown on these shade cards and web pages is only indicative and does not represent the EXACT shade of the product.

Orco Lanamide™ Technical Information


Orco Lanamide™ on Nylon Shade Card

Orco Lanamide™ on Wool Shade Card

Orco Lanamide on Nylon

Click on shade for further information

ImageNameLightfastnessIIA WashfastnessPerspirationChlorinated PoolSea WaterDetails
ORCO LANAMIDE Yellow Y6-7 (H), 6-7 (L), 6-7 (M)4 (S), 4-5 (A)3-4 (A)54-5 (A)
ORCO LANAMIDE Yellow GY5 (L), 5-6 (M), 6 (H)4 (S), 4-5 (A)3 (S), 4 (A)3-42-3 (S), 3-4 (A)
ORCO LANAMIDE Yellow VG5 (L), 5-6 (M), 6 (H)4-5 (A), 5 (S)4-5 (S), 5 (A)4-54-5 (S), 5 (A)
ORCO LANAMIDE Red R4-5 (L), 5 (M), 5-6 (H)3 (S), 4 (A)2 (S), 3-4 (A)42 (S), 3-4 (A)
ORCO LANAMIDE Rubine RB5 (L), 5-6 (M), 6 (H)3-4 (S), 4-5 (A)4-5 (A), 4-5 (S)4-53-4 (A)
ORCO LANAMIDE Red 2b5-6 (L), 6 (M), 6-7 (H)2-3 (S), 4-5 (A)3-4 (S), 5 (A)4-53 (S), 4-5 (A)
ORCO LANAMIDE Blue BR6 (L), 6-7 (M), 73-4 (S), 4-5 (A)2-3 (S), 3-4 (A)32-3 (S), 3-4 (A)
ORCO LANAMIDE Brilliant Blue RR5-6 (L), 6 (M), 6-7 (H)2-3 (S), 4-5 (A)5 (A), 5 (S)4-54 (S), 4-5 (A)
ORCO LANAMIDE Brilliant Blue XT5 (L), 6 (M), 6-7 (H)3 (S), 4-5 (A)4 (S), 4-5 (A)4-53-4 (S), 4-5 (A)
ORCO LANAMIDE Turquoise TQ2 (L), 2-3 (H), 2-3 (M)4 (A), 4 (S)4 (S), 4-5 (A)4-54 (A), 4-5 (S)
ORCO LANAMIDE Green CB5-6 (L), 6 (M), 6-7 (H)3-4 (A), 4-5 (S)4 (S), 4-5 (A)55 (A), 5 (S)

Fastness Ratings: All wetfastness ratings are based on goods that have not been after-treated with any fixing agent.
Key abbreviations: (A) Alteration   (S) Staining        Depth of Shade   (L) Light(M) Medium   (H) Heavy

Orco Lanamide™ on Wool

Click on shade for further information

ImageNameLightfastnessIIA WashfastnessPerspirationDecatingCarbonizingDetails
ORCO LANAMIDE Yellow Y6-7 (H), 6-7 (L), 6-7 (M)4 (A), 4-5 (S)4-544-5
ORCO LANAMIDE Yellow GY5-6 (L), 5-6 (M), 6 (H)3 (A), 3-4 (S)34-54
ORCO LANAMIDE Yellow VG5 (L), 6 (M), 6-7 (H)4-5 (A), 5 (S)4-54-54
ORCO LANAMIDE RED R4 (L), 4-5 (M), 5 (H)4 (A), 4-5 (S)54-54-5
ORCO LANAMIDE RUBINE RB3 (L), 4 (M), 5 (H)5 (A), 5 (S)54-5
ORCO LANAMIDE RED 2B6 (L), 6 (M), 6-7 (H)3-4 (S), 4-5 (A)544
ORCO LANAMIDE BlUE BR5-6 (L), 6 (M), 6-7 (H)4 (A), 4 (S)4-54-54-5
ORCO LANAMIDE BRILLIANT BlUE RR5-6 (L), 6 (H), 6 (M)3 (A), 3 (S)4-555
ORCO LANAMIDE BRILLIANT BlUE XT5 (L), 6 (M), 6-7 (H)3-4 (A), 4-5 (S)4-54-54
TURQUOISE TQ3 (L), 3-4 (M), 4 (H)4-5 (A), 5 (S)4-54-54-5
GREEN CB5-6 (L), 6 (M), 6-7 (H)3-4 (A), 4-5 (S)4-555

Fastness Ratings: All wetfastness ratings are based on goods that have not been after-treated with any fixing agent.
Key abbreviations: (A) Alteration   (S) Staining        Depth of Shade   (L) Light(M) Medium   (H) Heavy