Orco CitriSolve DL-AAS-2™

Orco CitriSolve DL-AAS-2™ is a specially designed d’Limonene emulsion cleaner for use in extreme pH conditions needed to clean heavily contaminated equipment or materials requiring compatibility with up to 5% Sodium Hydroxide or 0.6% Sulfuric Acid.


Physical Properties

Appearance Yellow to amber Fluid; cloudy when cold
Odor Pleasant, Citrus
Ionic Charge cationic
Flash Point >122°F
Specific Gravity 0.94 – 1.0
pH 8.5 – 11.0 in a 10% Solution
Solubility Disperses in all proportions in water



In-bath scour agent for oils and greases on synthetic and natural fibers. Due to the wide pH range of this it finds application in reactive dyeing, acid dyeing of wool & nylon, and disperse dyeing of polyester. Use 0.5-2.0% on weight of fabric as an in bath additive in these dyeing applications.


Bleaching of cotton in highly alkaline peroxide preparations.

Use 0.5-2.0 oz/gal of Orco CitriSolve DL-AAS-2™ to remove waxes, grease, and oil contaminates from fibers during bleaching. Wool bleaching preparations will also benefit from the oil removal and emulsification properties of Orco CitriSolve DL-AAS-2™.

Scouring – removal of grease and oil from fabric
Use 0.75% – 1.0% on weight of bath. Run cold to room temperature
not over 100°F for 10-20 minutes. Rinse cold and dry.

General purpose cleaner/degreaser for items used in the maintenance department. Heavily greased and soiled equipment should be either lightly brushed or sprayed with undiluted Orco CitriSolve DL-AAS-2™ and allowed to soak for 10-15 minutes before rinsing with clean water.

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